Deal Breakers

I want to have relationships that are centered in love and loyalty, so anyone committing these deal-breakers cannot be in my circle:

  • Talking/gossiping/complaining about me (or anyone I love) in a negative tone. If you have an issue with me, I will admire and appreciate you for bringing it to my attention personally, in a positive, constructive, forthright manner.
  • Causing harm to anyone. I will not associate with liars, cheaters, back-stabbers, psychopaths, narcissists, abusive people, or anyone taking pleasure in another person's misery.
  • Being a Phony. I value honesty and transparency. Do not treat me or others with a hidden, self-serving agenda.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Phil called it perfectly. I won't hang with "The Evil Eight:"
    1. Arrogant entitlement
    2. Lack empathy
    3. No remorse/guilt
    4. Irresponsible/self-destructive
    5. Thrive on drama
    6. Brag about outsmarting others
    7. Short-term relationships
    8. Fantasy world/delusional
